Mercury Hour 14th Extra Edition April 1985
Dublin Core
Issue Highlights
Published Birthtimes for Ronald Reagan – Raul Davila
Sampling of the Research from the Astro-Punology of Names – Judy Goodwin
The State of Israel – Marc Penfield
Geo & Helio Mars-to-Moon Aspects in 150 Charts – T. Patrick Davis
Excerpts From Letters to Michael Erlewine – John McCormick
The Basic Meaning of Configurations – Marion March
Atlantis and Astrology – Joylyn Hill
Gauquelin’s “Mars effect”
Astrological triggers for agoraphobia
Commentary on Marion March’s “The Many Faces of Pluto”
John H. Nelson’s heliocentric planetary aspects & ham radio operation
Pearl Harbor attack
Birth of Astrology
Chart data
(some incomplete or in question)
Cuomo, Mario
Duncan, Isadora
Gacy, John Wayne
Liddell, Alice (daughter of Lewis Carroll)
Mondale, Walter
Sepeda, Loren Faith (abducted child & related charts) Spungen, Nancy
AFA (Sideral/Lavagnini Houses)
Pact between Hitler and Stalin, Aug 1939
Pearl Harbor attack, Dec 1941
State of Israel
Weizman-Peres Agreement, Tel Aviv, Aug 1984
Notable contributors
Mark Melton (scientific method in astrological research)
Marc Penfield (birthtime/rectification of chart of Ronald Reagan; numerological axioms of the American Presidents)
Al H. Morrison (house systems; natal Moon void-of course; astrology and the federal Dictionary of Occupational Terms)
Ivy Goldstein-Jacobs (brief non-astrological piece on the escalation of medication)
Zane Stein (Halley’s Comet; Chiron; beginning of the Aquarian Age; rulership of body parts)