Browse Items (37 total)
Crystal Visions Through Crystal Gazing by Frater Achad
Mercury Hour103rd EditionJanuary 2000
Mercury Hour 104th Edition April 2000
Mercury Hour101st Edition (B)October 1999
Tags: Abdullah King of Jordan, Asteroid Hidalgo, Asteroid Lilith, Asteroid Pandora, Columbine, Druidic Numerology, Fertility and Astrology, JFK Jr, Leap Years, Medical Astrology, Nunavut (Canada), Out-of-Bound planets, Planetary stock trading, Royal Fixed Stars, Saros 145, Solar returns, Solar storms and solar peak, The Bible Code, Vertex signs, Y2K
Mercury Hour 101st Edition (A)July 1999
Mercury Hour 100th EditionApril 1999
Tags: Asteroids, Astro-Twins, August 1998 eclipse, August 1999 Grand Cross Eclipse, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bill Clinton, Buddy "Playboy" Rose, Charles Jayne, Ehud Barak, Fixed Stars, George Bush, Helen Keller, I Ching, Israel Election 1999, Jack London, Jesse Ventura, Ken Starr, Medical Astrology, Moon Out-of-Bounds, Rob Hand, Russia, Sun-Moon angle and conception, U.S. Declaration of Independence, W.H. Chaney, Y2K