Browse Items
- "Fortune Telling" legal cases
- 1984 Korean airline shooting
- 1989 Revolution
- Abdullah King of Jordan
- Adolph Hitler
- Age of Aquarius
- Agoraphobia
- AIDS data
- Al Gore
- Al Gore Jr.
- Al H. Morrison
- Albert Schweitzer
- Alice Liddell
- Alla Nazimova
- Althea Gibson
- Andy Gibb
- Angela Davis
- angelic rulers of planetary hours
- Ann Sheridan
- Aquarian Age
- Aquarian Eclipses 2000
- Arabic Parts
- Archbiship Makarios
- Aristotlianism
- Arlene Dahl
- Arthur Janov
- Arthur Koestler
- aspects
- Astek I
- Asteroid Ceres
- Asteroid Hidalgo
- Asteroid Juno
- Asteroid Lilith
- Asteroid Pallas
- Asteroid Pandora
- asteroid Sappho
- Asteroid Vesta
- Asteroids
- Astro-Geography
- Astro-Twins
- Astrocartography
- Astrolocality
- astrological fertility cycle
- Astrology and fertility
- Atlantis
- Audrey Hepburn
- August 1998 eclipse
- August 1999 Eclipse
- August 1999 Grand Cross Eclipse
- August Belmont
- Ayatollah Khomeini
- Barbara Bush
- Barbara Mandrell
- Battle of Toronto (War of 1812)
- Benito Mussolini
- Benjamin Netanyahu
- Bernard Buffet
- Bette Davis
- Bette Midler
- Betty White
- Beverly Sills
- Bill Bradley
- Bill Clinton
- Billy Martin
- Bing Crosby
- birth control
- Black Moon Lilith
- Bob Dylan
- Bobby Darin
- Bruno Hauptmann
- Buddy "Playboy" Rose
- C-sections
- Camilla Parker-Bowles
- Canada
- Candice Bergen
- Canio and Thomas Pace
- Cardinal signs
- Carol Lawrence
- Carole King
- Cat Stevens
- Catfish Hunter
- Cathy Rigby
- Central America
- Chaos Theory
- Charles Jayne
- Charley Pride
- Chart cycles
- Chart delineation
- Chinese Astrology
- Chinese zodiac
- Chiron
- Cindy Williams
- Clark Gable
- Clay Felker
- Columbine
- comets
- Conjunction
- Constance Bennett
- Constance Talmadge
- Conversational Math
- Counseling
- crystal ball
- crystal gazing
- Crystalline Spheres
- Crystalline Vision
- Dame Sybil Thorndike
- Dan White
- David Bowie
- David Crosby
- Deanna Durbin
- Declinations
- Dionne Warwick
- Direction
- Diurnal charts
- Donald Trump
- Donna Summer
- Dorothy Tutin
- Dot-Matrix Astroglyphs
- Druidic Numerology
- Dudley Moore
- Dylan Klebold
- earthquake prediction
- eclipses
- Edith Sitwell
- Edward Kelly
- Ehud Barak
- Elanor Roosevelt
- Elizabeeth Taylor
- Elizabeth II
- Elizabeth Jagger
- Elke Sommer
- Elroy Hirsch
- Elvis Presley
- Eric Harris
- Ernie Banks
- Esoteric Astrology
- Ethel Kennedy
- ethics
- Fertility
- Fertility and Astrology
- fertility cycle
- First US test tube baby
- Fixed Stars
- Floyd Patterson
- gambling
- Gauquelin
- George Bush
- George HW Bush
- George Lucas
- George Moscone
- Gerald Ford
- Grand Configurations
- Grand Sextile
- Grand Square
- grand trine
- Greek Astrology
- Greta Garbo
- Guido Bonatti
- Gulf War
- Haley Benetar
- Halley's Comet
- Harlan Sanders
- Harvey Milk
- Hawaiian zodiac
- Hedy Lamarr
- Helen Keller
- Helio Planets
- Heliocentric
- Heliocentric Planetary Nodes
- Henry Kissinger
- Hermeticism
- Hiroshima
- homosexuality
- horary
- horoscope of Jesus
- Horst Bucholz
- house systems
- houses
- I Ching
- Ida Lupino
- incest
- Infertility
- Inherited family traits
- Invasion of Falkland Islands
- Isadora Duncan
- Israel
- Israel Election 1999
- Israel partition
- J. Edgar Hoover
- Jack Jones
- Jack Kevorkian
- Jack London
- Jack Nicholson
- Jack Valenti
- James Caan
- James Callaghan
- James Dean
- Jane Fonda
- Jeanette MacDonald
- Jeffrey Dahmer
- Jerry Brown
- Jesse Jackson
- Jesse Ventura
- JFK Jr
- Jim Jones
- Joan Crawford
- Joan Quigley
- Joe Greene
- John B. Anderson
- John Browning
- John Cage
- John Dee
- John Glenn
- John Holmes
- John Lennon
- John Maynard Keynes
- John McCain
- John Melville
- John Naber
- John Updike
- John Wayne Gacy
- Julie Christie
- Jupiter cycle
- Jupiter-Neptune
- Jupiter-Saturn cycle
- Kansas CIty MO
- Karen Black
- Karma and reincarnation
- Ken Starr
- Kenneth Patchen
- Kepler
- Kitty Kelly
- Koch houses
- Kundalini
- Kurt Weill
- Lance Armstrong
- Lauren Hutton
- Lavagnini House System
- Lawrence Olivier
- Leap Years
- Lebanon
- LeeAnn Rimes
- Leigh Taylor Young
- Leon Fleischer
- licensure
- Lindbergh kidnapping
- Loluis and Leona Schwab
- Loni Anderson
- Loren Faith Sepeda
- Louis Pasteur
- Louise Rainer
- Lucille Ball
- Lunar Return Nodes
- Lupe Velez
- Luscher Color Test
- Mabel Normand
- Madeline Kahn
- Margaret Sullivan
- Marilyn Horne
- Mario Cuomo
- Mark Schorer
- Marlon Brando
- Mars effect
- Mary Baker Eddy
- Mary Wilson
- Max Spielberg
- Medical Astrology
- Mehmet Ali Agca
- Melanie Eisenhower
- Mercedes McCambridge
- Mercury
- Mercury Retrograde
- Mercury Satellite Paragon
- Michael Fagan
- Michael Jackson
- Michael Trestrail
- MIcrographics
- Mikhail Gorbachev
- Miles Davis
- Moon Out-of-Bounds
- Moon void-of-course in the signs
- Moon's Nodes
- Morgan Fairchild
- Muhammed Ali
- Nancy Lopez
- Nancy Spungen
- Napoleon
- Near East Crisis
- Neil Diamond
- Nemesis
- Neptune
- New Orleans Air Crash 1982
- Nina Simone
- Nodal Barrier
- Nunavut (Canada)
- OJ Simpson
- Olivia Newton-John
- Omar Sharif
- Opposition
- Otis Chandler
- Out-of-Bound planets
- Out-of-Bounds planets
- parallax
- Part of Fortune calculation
- Pearl Harbor
- Peggy Ann Garner
- Penny Marshall
- Pierre Salinger
- Placido Domingo
- Planetary Configurations
- Planetary cycles
- Planetary Hours
- Planetary speeds
- Planetary stock trading
- Pluto
- Pluto glyphs
- Pluto in the houses
- Pluto in the signs
- Pluto transits
- Poland
- Polarity Therapy
- Pope John Paul II
- predicting death
- Prediction of death
- Presidential Nominees
- Prince William
- Professionalism
- Progressions
- Project Hindsight
- quincunx
- radix void-of-course Moon
- Relocation
- Renata Tebaldi
- Richard Dreyfuss
- Ringo Starr
- Rob Hand
- Robert E Lee
- Robert F Kennedy III
- Robert Guillaume
- Rod Stewart
- Rodney King
- Roger Daltry
- Roger Maris
- Ronald Reagan
- Roosevelt Grier
- Rosa Bonheur
- Rose Kennedy
- Royal Fixed Stars
- rulership of body parts
- Russia
- Ruth St. Denis
- Sabian symbols
- Saddam Hussein
- Sarah Vaughn
- Saros 145
- Saturn
- Saturn in the houses
- Saturn Return
- Saturn through the signs
- Saturn transits
- Saturn-Uranus in Sagittarius
- Sextile
- Sidereal
- Slobodan Milosevic
- Solar Arc Directions
- Solar returns
- Solar storms and solar peak
- Solstice points
- Sonny Jurgensen
- Square
- Stellium
- Sun-Moon angle and conception
- Sunspots
- Susan Strasberg
- T-Square
- Tallulah Bankhead
- Tancredo Neves
- Tarot
- Taurus degrees
- Ted Bundy
- Ted Kaczynski
- Ted Turner
- Ted Williams
- Telly Savalas
- Terry Moore
- The Bible Code
- The Catch-30 Passage
- The Three Liliths
- Thor Heyerdahl
- Tina Turner
- Tom Cruise
- Tom Poston
- Transits
- Translation of Light
- Transneptune
- Transpluto
- Tree of Life
- Trine
- Tropical vs. Sidereal
- twins
- Tycho Brahe
- U.S. Declaration of Independence
- Uranian
- Uranus Age Cycles
- Uranus Neptune conjunction
- Uranus-Neptune
- Uranus-Pluto in VIrgo
- US Civil War
- USA Chart
- USA charts
- Van Cliburn
- Van Gogh
- Vancouver BC
- Venus
- vertex
- Vertex signs
- Vicki Morgan
- Victoria Principal
- Vladimir Putin
- Void-of-course Moon
- Vulcan
- W.H. Chaney
- Walt Disney
- Walter Annenberg
- Walter Mondale
- War of 1812
- Weather Forecasting
- weather prediction
- Weizman-Peres Agreement
- Whitewater
- William H Masters
- William Simon
- William Westmoreland
- Xavier Roberts
- Y2K
- Yod
- Yuri Andropov
- Zodiacal numbering