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- Tags: Russia
Mercury Hour 100th EditionApril 1999
Tags: Asteroids, Astro-Twins, August 1998 eclipse, August 1999 Grand Cross Eclipse, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bill Clinton, Buddy "Playboy" Rose, Charles Jayne, Ehud Barak, Fixed Stars, George Bush, Helen Keller, I Ching, Israel Election 1999, Jack London, Jesse Ventura, Ken Starr, Medical Astrology, Moon Out-of-Bounds, Rob Hand, Russia, Sun-Moon angle and conception, U.S. Declaration of Independence, W.H. Chaney, Y2K
Mercury Hour 82nd Edition October 1994
Mercury Hour 47th Edition October 1985
Tags: asteroid Sappho, Canio and Thomas Pace, Chinese zodiac, David Bowie, Elizabeth Jagger, ethics, Haley Benetar, Hawaiian zodiac, horary, house systems, Israel, Kundalini, licensure, Loluis and Leona Schwab, Loni Anderson, Lunar Return Nodes, Luscher Color Test, Mary Baker Eddy, Max Spielberg, Melanie Eisenhower, Mercury Retrograde, Mikhail Gorbachev, Neptune, Pluto transits, Robert E Lee, Robert F Kennedy III, Ronald Reagan, Russia, Sabian symbols, Sarah Vaughn, Solstice points, Tancredo Neves, Tarot, Tree of Life, Venus, Vicki Morgan, Weather Forecasting, weather prediction